I am teaming up with my good friend, Rebecca Thiegs, to offer an additional service that falls in line with coaching...


Whether you are a beginner or an experienced yogi, Becky listens to your health needs and then crafts a custom sequence to help you improve your physical and mental wellness.


Becky's Yoga Philosophy (in her own words):

Yoga in many ways saved me from a lifetime of pain and medication, has helped me discover that I am powerful beyond measure, and has taught me to trust my instincts and my breath as a guiding force. From my study of yoga, I’ve been able to break free of old habits of thought, break roles that I assumed because of obligations or old stories I told myself, and break old patterns to move forward with mindfulness and grace in my life.  

I love the creativity and play in a yoga class and how I can pick and choose from all yoga styles to create sequences that my students can utilize in their own homes at their own pace. From restorative classes to fiery power yoga sequences, I consider each class an exploration of body, breath and movement; every day feels different and every day can potentially open me up to new areas in my body and practice to clear the way for new in my life. Yoga, for me, is a metaphor for how I live my life, and my mat mirrors how I show up in the world. I strive to come to my mat without expectations, limiting beliefs or stories that I tell myself about what I can or cannot do.  This is the practice I give to my students - creativity, exploration, and letting go of limiting beliefs.

Yoga has been my path to bettering my physical and mental well being.  It helps me to show up as my best self. I know how much better I feel after a yoga class, and to see my students enter my studio one way at the beginning of class, and leave looking at peace, radiant from the clearing that a good yoga practice provided makes me see the power of yoga in action.  

Becky's Yoga Biography

From the time Becky was in 6th grade, she suffered from debilitating migraines.  In college, she reached a point where she was tired of dealing with medications which didn’t work well enough to lessen the migraines, produced side effects, and left her feeling out of energy and powerless against pain. Serendipitously, around the same time, a friend from her English Education Master’s program at the University of Minnesota invited her to a yoga class. Becky fell in love with the way she felt at the end of that first yoga class, and she has been in love with yoga ever since.  

A strong yoga practitioner since 1997, Becky attended yoga workshops and classes while she worked full time as a high school English teacher. Her love of reading and especially writing led her to her first passion, teaching others to love literature and writing just as much as she did. For 15 years, Becky did yoga on the side while she developed her skills as a teacher, curriculum developer, leader in and out of the classroom, and worked on becoming National Writing Project certified.  

When Becky left the classroom in 2013, she decided to take her love of yoga to the next level.  She became a certified 200 Hour RYT. Since then, Becky has opened a private practice where she tailors her classes to the needs of her clients in the Viniyoga tradition. She strives to teach to individuals rather than just develop a class that is a “one size fits all” practice. Drawing from Baptiste yoga, and mentors and teachers like Judith Hanson Lasater, Gabriel Halpern, Rolf Gates, Bernie Clark, Tias Little, Gary Kraftsow, Mark Stephens and Suzi Hatley, Becky crafts individualized sequences that suit the needs of her students.  

Combining her knowledge of how to teach and lead, her own experiences with chronic pain management, and her love of creative themes to tie her yoga sequences together, Becky’s flowing classes cater to beginners as well as seasoned yogis. She teaches from a place of compassion, listens to her clients carefully and works with them one on one to create yoga practices which take yoga off of their mats and into the world.